
Oh Boy!!!

Just came from our 4D ultrasound. Use your imagination, tilt your head a bit, and squint your eyes-you'll be able to see our son...


Happy Campy

the "cheese" face

Pretend cooking with her velvet dress and feathered sleeves, and wearing her winter hat only indoors, none the less.

thought it would be nice to send her great aunt a "thank you for the new outfit, i'm too cute in it" picture. Clearly, happy campy decided to wake up as grumpy dwarf.

fine. i'll just stand here for the picture, but i'm not going to smile. hmph.


Surviving the Storm

After hunkering down for 12 inches of snow in a 12 hour period, we finally ventured beyond our warm house and played in the snow. Well, shoveled at least. Apparently, it's not cool to wear snow boots, but a blast to wear snow pants. Much like grass, it's taking a while for Maizy to get used to the feel of snow. But, with much hope, seeing that winter in wisconsin is 3 quarters of the year, i have a feeling she'll eventually get used to liking snow this season. Enjoy our pix!!!


More Good in the World

Hi all-
bere is our little busy bumble bee getting ready for halloween (minus the clothes!). Took a bit to get used to it, but once she saw other kids with costumes on, she was fine with it. Next year she will be trick-or-treating with a new brother or sister. We plan on adding more Good to the world June 26th, 2009. So far, it's been a rough pregnancy, but only a few weeks left in the first trimester to go.....


free child labor

who knew at one years old, maizy's already a candidate for child labor?!? She loves helping with the dishes, sweeping, dusting and wiping up. Grampa Ralph taught her how to do the dishes, and quickly it became a water park!!


Maizy's hair is growing fast as weeds-just look at her 1 year pictures taken on fourth of july weekend. Her hair was just below her chin, and now her hair touches above her shoulder blades in the back! Thank goodness she's not in need of an eight week touch up to her 'do at this point in her life!! So, i went in for the kill and tried piggies on her. the only problem is she's so fascinated with the camera that when i'd point to take the pic, she comes running to me pointing at the camera. the girl is fast as lightning!!


Maizy received this adorable outfit from her auntie jane, and she looks so grown up in it! She looks likes she's ready for her first day of school!!! be still my heart!!!