
It's been a while

Sorry for the delay in pix-we just keep taking pictures of her new expressions and are trying to keep up with them, as well as her tight schedule she has us on! Maizy's been a trooper, and i must say, so have we. We're trying to get her down to bed at 9pm, but that can vary up until 11. Usually she gets up about 430 or 5, eats and then crashes again until anywhere from 830 to 10 (which she did today and we loved sleeping in!). In the mean time, we've had so many great friends and family stop by to meet her, say hi, bring dinner for us and hang out. Thank you all-we love it! Enjoy these shots of Maizy over the past few days, including great-grama judy, some from daddy day care, and our favorite facial expressions of hers-particularly her sleeping ones-"leave me alone!" look, her furrowed brow, and her stunned look....

matt, leah and maizy