
The Best Night Ever!

I'm growing fond of the phrase "you know your life has changed when...". Today's latest was "you know your life has changed when you used to refer to your blender as the margarita machine, but now are converting the maragarita machine into the baby food machine". My favorite "you know your life has changed when..." happened exactly on Maizy's 2 month birthday on tuesday. You know your life has changed when the best night ever used to be considered hanging out like rockstars with friends, dressing up, wearing heels, trying out new piano bars or martini lounges and staying out forever. Now, the best night ever was realizing that we just slept 7 hours straight without Maizy waking up once!!! This is huge in the Good house!! So, we're going for a hat trick tonight and hoping this will be the third night in a row!!!

SO tuesday was her big 2 month check up, and she weighed in at 10 lbs, 9 oz, and is 22 inches long. The shots were hard for me. I've never heard Maizy scream so loud in her life! At least the good news is we've never done anything wrong enough in her life for her to scream that hard at us! But, she did pop a blood vessel in her eye. Oy!!

On our way to her doctor's appointment on tuesday, my work called and said my new computer wasn't in yet and wondered if i could take this week off and just start next week instead. After the week i'd been having so far with an emergency root canal started on monday, still worked on today, and Maizy's scary shots, God sure showed me he does has perfect timing and i told work of course i'll take this week off!! Maizy and i have been baking more zucchini bread and are going to start making her organic baby food from our veggies we're harvesting in our garden (we'll freeze it for when she can have solids). We also stopped by our friends, the Fortner's and Barron's, for a playdate today. Compare this picture of the five of them from a few weeks ago-they all are growing tons!! We're so blessed to have such great friends!

As this week has gone by, it's so fun to watch Maizy smile just a ton, suck on her thumb and fist, recognize matt's and my voices, track our voices too, follow and grasp objects, mimic us talking to her with her sweet little voice. 9 weeks only, yet 9 weeks already!
