
Clap Clap

I can't believe all the "tricks" Maizy can do! This week it seems like she all of the sudden can do so much. It dawned on me the other night to show her how to clap so Matt and i started clapping beats to hear and singing. An hour later in the tub she just started clapping on her own, without us doing it to prompt her either. Now she's a clapping machine! We also started giving her cheerios and crackers. At first we had to feed them to her, now Maizy's all over it herself and determined to get the little cheerios mashed in her fist into her wide open mouth, or else she just gnaws all on the crackers. I laugh because the time it takes her to eat one cracker i could have the whole box eaten (but don't tell anyone!). We've had to lower her crib now because when we come in to get her in the morning, she hiding somewhere in her crib-not so stationary anymore. She's either in a corner hiding or playing with the bunny in her crib. It's a riot because when we go in to get her, she looks at us as if we're interrupting her, as if she were to say "can i help you?". We'll hear her lying in her crib saying "mamamama or babababa". Of course its "mama" when she's getting ornery! And, we're anticipating the big crawl to start soon. NOt that we are pushing it though-as soon as she's mobile, it's all over! It's just hard to see her getting frustrated that she can't move. But, she is quite the rolly polly though. For not being able to crawl, she somehow gets from one side of the room to the other!
