
Rollie Pollie

Maizy is great-our little peanut is now 17 weeks today. she found her toes and is always grabbing at them. when we come get her in the morning her feet are up in the air and she's trying to get them. too silly.she can't get them to her mouth yet and it frustrates her. she's trying to roll from her back to her belly (she can do the opposite), and she grunts when she gets on her side because she can't get all the way over yet. She fits in her exersaucer now, and is enthralled with all of the activities on it, and smiles and talks to this one smiley sunflower toy on it. I'm beginning to think she likes the toys better than her parents now.

Things are just crazy busy here still. we went to matt's football game on friday and it was craziness there. they played against new berlin. to preface, the week before new berline and pewaukee played, a pewaukee player head butted the head new berlin coach with this helmet on, and the coach pushed him down, so the coach is suspended for two games (the player has no penalties of course, and they even tried to file a law suit against the coach for pushing him, even though he head butted the guy!). so, we played new berlin the first week of the coaches suspension and the team definately had something to prove. It was a sold out, jam packed home game. we were smooshed in the stands. i left at the middle of the 3rd quarter, when new berlin was winning 21-0. maizy needed to feed, and i didn't want to see the monstrasity that was unfolding on the field-i'd get to hear about it at home anyways. Maizy was a riot though. when the crowd would cheer, she would sort of scream along with them. at first it was sooo super cute, but then i think she got scared, so that's anaother reason why we left. so i get to the jeep, packed her up and hopped into my seat, and it started pouring! there was nothing in the weather report for rain either. but it had been lightening all through the game and they never cancelled it which was totally weird. i was so glad maizy and i had left when we did b/c i'd have to run in the rain with her, and then deal with traffic in the parking lot. so we left just in time. well, come to find out, matt's team pulled up in the 4th quarter, tied it and they went into overtime!! even thought they lost 29-28, they kicked butt!! now that's what friday night football is all about! we're preparing for this friday's game, against their nemesis-Pewaukee.

On Sunday, Maizy's 2nd cousin, Christine had a jewelry party that we went to, and we were able to hang out with her Great Aunt Claudia and Great Aunt Susan (so weird for me to call the Great Aunt-they are too young for that!), and her 2nd cousin Liz. It was so good for us "Lechner" women to be together again-it's been a while, and we loved being with them. Great Aunt Susan had Maizy just talking and talking, and Great Aunt Claudia had Maizy all cuddled up and smiley. Chris is a natural with Maizy, and Liz was already prepping her to be head captain of the cheerleading squad.

We'll let you know how the game goes; next week Maizy has her 4 month check up!!
