
Easter Baby

Hi all!! We've had quite the week or two. Matt has now been named the head football coach of Wauwatosa West!!! We are so proud of him!! He had his first interview this past week, and tomorrow he has his first photo shoot-that's the big leagues baby!! Praise God for the goodness he's given!

Matt hit up a snow goose trip in South Dakota for Easter, and i believe on their last day alone they shot 23 geese. So while he was off having fun, i decided i didn't want to get stuck in the 14 inches of snow that was about to fall, so i headed down to Iowa for the weekend (where there was no snow!). We had a ton of fun (as always!).

Maizy is growing like a weed! I now understand what my mom meant when she'd say "i just want to bottle you up and keep you this way"! She is 10 months today, and it is so hard to accept the fact that she is such a big girl already. Not only is she a speed crawler, but she walks along anything that is (semi) stable-the round coffee table, the entertainment center, the toilet, our legs, everything! Maizy just talks and talks and talks in her own little language-marble mouth is what i call it. It's so fun to just talk along with her. I wonder what she thinks she's saying?!
