
Friends and Family

Well this is a big week for the Good's. Today Matt turns 29! So Maizy and i baked him a cake and he's enjoying his birthday cutting the lawn for the first time in weeks since there has been no rain here. Only a guy would enjoy freetime doing yardwork! Tomorrow Maizy goes in for her 2 month checkup which equals her 2 month shots-nervous mom here!! Then wednesday i start back to work already. I'll be working 8-1 for the month of august, and then september i'll be back to 8-430. However, i have permanently taken friday's off, so this week will be nice to work just wednesday and thursday. but thursday i might be having a root canal in the evening!

So emotions are a little high for me. i don't know what i was thinking scheduling her big mean scary shots the afternoon before i "leave" her and start back to work. i think i might just have matt stay in the room with her when she gets her shots. i'd be fine if i was starting back the next day. then to end a stressful week, possibly having my first root canal. in the mean time, i have to sit in excrutiating pain, so that adds onto it all.

the great news, though, is maizy's sleeping habits are getting established and they are fantastic. she's been going down about 9pm, and sleeps for seven hours! She gets up between 2 and 4am, and pending on that time table, she gets up between 6 and 7am, feeds, and then crashes until 930, is up a bit, feeds and then crashes hard til 11am! from that point on she's up until bedtime with a cat nap or three during the day. so we're thrilled! and, the witching hours seemed to have chilled out with her. when she's gotten fussy, we'll plop her in the bath tub and she calms down, or we try feeding her a bit.

this past week Maizy met her (2nd) cousin Drew for the first time, as well as her great aunt Claudia and great uncle Ron!! We were thrilled this could finally happen!! Drew hung out tuesday evening and was able to encounter a maizy tantrum from 8-10pm, but during that time he was able to see parenting 101 for newborns firsthand, and realized no one teaches you this in a classroom! He spent the night at our house wednesday then instead, alleviating the chaos of the previous night's tantrum. I heard Maizy at 4am crying for her feeding, so i went down to get her, and here is Drew, already holding her tight to him and calming her! It was so tender to see that, and unexpectedly appreciated too! In the morning he was a help for me-i was able to get some things done around the house while he snuggled with her in bed. The three of us went out for breakfast and to the christian bookstore for the morning. I love how (currently) mobile she is.

Saturday i stopped by my Lechner grandparents house for Maizy to meet Claudia and Ron because they were over there doing yardwork. Claudia is such a natural with Maizy. She just loved her up and maizy did it right back too. Claudia is one of the first few that has been able to get Maizy to sit and smile and coo at them, other than Matt and I and her great-grandpa (who gets her to talk to him big time!). So maizy hung out with us while we did yardwork and her great-grandparents house. I had a bit of tears when i walked her through her great-grandparents house. It's hard to be in there and feel the life of all of us still pulsating, knowing that she won't be able to have any memories of christmas eve's traditionally spent there, or getting to play in the backyard creek, or playing restaurant in their basement, or get to spend time with her great-grampa claude in his workshop, or play the piano next to her great grama lou. It's hard even writing this. But i'm so glad that Maizy was able to physically be in the Lechner house, to actually be another generation of our family walking through the house and sensing the love and life that has existed there for over 40 years and 4 generations. Grama Lou and Grampa Claude would've loved her to pieces.

Hope you've enjoyed her pictures of her cousin Drew, great aunt Claudia and her new favorite spot-in her "papoose" as her great grama calls it (hands free is the way to be!). Blessing upon you all!!