
So Big

Today our little baby is already 1 month! Oh my goodness is she getting big! The other day i put a hat on her to keep that cute melon warm and it fit her; when we tried putting the same hat on her to come home from the hospital one month ago, she swam in it! It's only been a month and i'm already saying the dreaded words "my baby's growing up"! The time has flown by so far. This week Maizy will have her one month check up and we'll get to see how much she's grown. Curiosity was killing this cat when Maizy and i were at great-grama judy's house and i saw a tape measure laying around-she's up to 21 inches! Happy fourth to all, and we'll chat with you soon!

Matt, Leah and Maizy

ps-just to remind you all that when you respond directly to this email, tons of people receive it due to the way the blog sends this out in a mass email format to people i've selected to view Maizy's blog. I'd recommend either going directly to the blog web address and adding your comments, or emailing me directly in a new email window other than responding directly to this for your own sake of privacy.

Good Visitor

This past sunday Grama Good came to visit and spoiled Maizy with what we like best-shopping! Here are some fun pix from our time with Grama Good.



I set Maizy up to take her birth announcement pictures, and these are just too fun!! How can you not want to just love her up?! Things are going good here. She's definately going through a growth spurt-chowing down constantly! If you're around stop by to say hi and meet her-Maizy is more awake than asleep, and my zombie-like status is a testament to that. Kisses!


It's been a while

Sorry for the delay in pix-we just keep taking pictures of her new expressions and are trying to keep up with them, as well as her tight schedule she has us on! Maizy's been a trooper, and i must say, so have we. We're trying to get her down to bed at 9pm, but that can vary up until 11. Usually she gets up about 430 or 5, eats and then crashes again until anywhere from 830 to 10 (which she did today and we loved sleeping in!). In the mean time, we've had so many great friends and family stop by to meet her, say hi, bring dinner for us and hang out. Thank you all-we love it! Enjoy these shots of Maizy over the past few days, including great-grama judy, some from daddy day care, and our favorite facial expressions of hers-particularly her sleeping ones-"leave me alone!" look, her furrowed brow, and her stunned look....

matt, leah and maizy


Too cute

I had to show you this cute close up of her, and the other one is my favorite so far of her and i together. Enjoy your day!!

Leah, Matt and Maizy


Day 4

Thanks for checking out our maizy! she is kinda cute, or course i'm biased, but i think she looks like matt junior already, so then i dig her even more. she's been an interesting one so far. feeding has been hell, and matt has to see mom and baby crying together. but, my milk came in yesterday and what a huge difference in eating for her. thank god!

She was a stinker last night-up once an hour for a 10 minute feeding from 11pm to 3am. finally she slept until 8 this morning, and i'm about to turn her over to daddy day care so i can go sleep. my girlfriends were right-it used to be "oh, i got a great night sleep of 8 hours+" now it's "oh, i got a great night sleep-it was 5 hours"!

We had to buy little gloves for her to stop scratching her face. They look like she's boxing when she's wearing them-i want to write on one "love" and the other "hate" like the boxing gloves have on them.

Here she is getting her first bath at home, one of her naps, and grama and grama Lechner doting on her....


Maizy Grace Good

We are so excited! Maizy Grace Good was born early on Thursday, May 31st at 1:53 a.m., weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces and a length of 19.5 inches. After starting contractions about 10pm on tuesday night, a generous 28 hours was spent trying to coax her out. We spent almost all of the night tuesday into wednesday awake and counting contractions. Even at the point of delivery my contractions had no rhythmic pattern to them, so they were hard to predict/count and determine what we should be doing. We packed about 2am, and i took the worlds longest shower (who knows when i can take another super long soak like that again?!), painted my toenails and did my hair, we just sort of waited. About 10 am we walked around the garden, and then played a game of cribbage on the patio, and of course, matt won. But, considering i had been laboring for about 13 hours at that point in time, i only lost by 10 points! About 11:40 a.m. my contractions started coming every four minutes and lasting for 1 minute each, and they were super painful and intense. So we called my doctors office and they told us "good luck!" and we headed to St. Joe's.

I was sent to a waiting room/pergatory before finally being admitted at 3:30-i was in my own room and they had me hooked up to monitors to read my contractions, and finally gave me something for the pain. My contractions still weren't patterened and my cervix was still only at 2 centimeters!! Oy. Finally they felt that i wasn't having false labor (no kidding!) and admitted me. From that point on, i had an epideral and tried to sleep. I became pretty sick while i was laboring-like the flu-shakes, chills and a 101 fever. The anesthesilogist gave me another dose of my epideral to ease my muscle pain, and i was given antibiotics for my fever. Now 10pm, 24 hours of laboring i only at 3 centimeters. Gee, i wonder where she gets her stubborn nature from? So they gave me patosin and broke my water. About midnight i started to push, and almost 2 hours later, Maizy was born. Totally a long haul, could've been worse as far as i'm concerned, but she was so worth it!

When i was about 24 weeks we had the opportunity to have a 4D ultrasound down, and she looks just like it! In her 4D pix, she has her hands up to her face in many of them. True to form, she always has her hands to her face. Her favorite thing is to give us "the stink eye". She opens up one eye, checks you out, and then determines if you are worthy enough for her to open up both of her eyes to check you out, or if she should just close them all together. Feeding her has been a bit of a challenge, okay, understatment, but she's catching on. She wants to eat now, no warning signs and it needs to happen as soon as she wants, and does not like that she has to work at it too. Patience-definately something i'm working on and so is she. Impatience-the gene i passed her! Now i know what people mean when they say "just wait until your kids are like you"! Payback!

The benefit of laboring so long and delivering early thursday morning allowed us to stay longer in the hospital, so we just came home this afternoon. I love my house and can't wait for my own bed!!

We love you all, and are so honored we can share our new blessing, Maizy, with you. Enjoy the pix!

Leah, Matt and Maizy