
A Week of "Firsts"

Merry Christmas! What an incredible Christmas week for us (key word being week, not day!). On friday i took Maizy to the doctor because all she ate was 4 ounces by noon, and normally she has 12 at that point in time, plus fruits and veggies. She's had a cough for about a week and a half, and i was starting to get worried once she wasn't eating. So i took her in and her doctor said she has croup and bronchitis : ( But, thankfully her medicine brought her appetite back and she's Maizy again. The hard thing is that she never seemed sick, and i don't want to be one of "those parents" who rush to the doctor over a sniffle. But the doc reassured me and said he was glad i listened to my intuition about her because her cold was beginning to settle in her chest and could lead to pneumonia had it not been addressed. He also said that in the next day or two her tooth would pop. Boy was he right!! By 8 that night, she had not one but two teeth completely surface and they are sharp little daggers!!

Once we got Maizy taken care of, we headed out that evening to Iowa for Christmas at the Good's, but turned around once we hit Lake Geneva-the fog was so thick we couldn't see more than 15 yards in front of us, and it was rather scary. Early the next morning we hit the road and finally made it to Iowa. We had a great time at Maizy's grandparents. Her Aunt Debbie even made it home for Christmas! The two had a blast together-Maizy loves having the attention paid to her, and Aunt Debbie loves just chatting away and having someone (anyone!) listen-so we put Maizy in her jumper and wheeled Debbie over by her. The two had the best of time-Maizy had all the attention in the world while Debbie had the best listener. Maizy ended up jumping herself to sleep!! Tons of gifts were exchanged amidst an incredible snow and ice storm that hunkered us inside for a few days. The car was totally iced over and we couldn't get out of the house!! Grama and Grampa Good spoiled us and we had such a great time with them.

Christmas Eve we headed back home, and were able to make it to church and then off to the Lechner's house for dinner. We haven't been able to spend Christmas with the Lechner side for a few years now, and it was such a treat that we could. Maizy was passed around and loved up by her cousin's and great-Aunt's and great-Uncle's. Even though Grama and Grampa Lechner are in heaven, it's a blessing that we are able to come together still as a family with the same love for each other.

Christmas day was a long one! We had fun opening gifts just the three of us at home in the morning. Matt and i agreed we weren't going to get Maizy gifts this year because we knew she'd already be getting spoiled as it was, plus we'd like to save up for next year when she kind of understands what really is going on. Well, Maizy has her daddy wrapped around those little fingers and he surprised her with bunny slippers that she can't get enough of. Plus, he bought her a pink sweatsuit with matching pink and silver tennis shoes!! Daddy's little girl for sure!!

After the morning at home, we headed over to Nana and Bomps for quiche and presents with Drew, Bekah and Great Auntie Jane and Great Uncle Phil, and then to grama kim and grampa ralph's for more Christmas. That evening, more family came over to celebrate over a ham and turkey dinner. There was so much that went on, and so many gracious gifts!!!

Not only did Maizy get her two front teeth for Christmas and the croup and bronchitis, but she started waving hi and bye regularly, and says momma non-stop (especially when she's frustrated!). This was a big week of first for us, but i'd have to say the wave was my fav.

Now that Christmas is over, it's off to Daddy Day Care for this week and next-lucky girl!! I wonder what daddy's little girl willl have him buying/doing by the end of Christmas break-i got him on camera admitting he almost bought her leopard print shoes!! Crazy how a baby changes you!!




Check out the sweater Maizy is wearing-isn't it gorgeous? Her Grama Good made it for her!! Can you believe that?!

Well, it's official-Maizy is sitting completely by herself and not wobbly anymore. She's getting ready to crawl too! Maizy's not up on her hands and knees rocking yet, but she's trying to push off the ground with her toes and gets frustrated when she can't move to get something that's out of reach the she wants. It's so fun to see her progress in all the things she can do. She's eating everything now too-all sorts of nummy baby food, and she's starting to eat little finger food baby crackers. Stop growing up!!! Maizy is an absolute delight-smiles, and personality galore. She definately will let you know when she wants to do something different or is done eating. Everything is so entertaining to us.

This past weekend Maizy and i went to Iowa to see a concert with her great auntie jane, great uncle phil, and cousins drew and bekah. Grama Good came up saturday morning to love up Maizy and it was so great. The weather for the concert stopped us from going-raining, but was 14 degrees! We slid through an intersection, and three cars in front of us on the freeway slipped right off the road. So the next night, John Waller (the concert we were going to) held a concert at Auntie's friend Kate's house, and there was about thirty of us sitting around her family room while he gave us an intimate acoustic concert in front of the fireplace and christmas tree. It was so spirit-filled and incredibly moving. Maizy continued to show us her heart for praising and worshiping Jesus by how enthralled she was with it-she stayed awake for the whole performance (of course, she doesn't want to miss a thing!). The most incredible baby-perfect i should say. All in all, the weekend was incredible, and Maizy was great in the car too (thank God!).

Maizy's great grama and great grampa called us up last night last minute to meet them out for dinner because they were going through Maizy withdrawl. What a blessing for us to be able to jump in the car and spend the evening with them! And Maizy hammed it up and put on a show for them too, and they ate her up!! We love getting to spend so much time with Nans and Bomps.

Blessings to you all!!