
The big show

Last weekend, Maizy's attended her first wedding. Her second cousin Christine was married in Grafton to an awesome hubby, Andy. The wedding was absolutely beautiful!! We had too much fun dancing the night away-melted our heart dancing to our wedding song, holding our baby girl, and then to see Matt hold his little girl and dance with her, of course, made me cry. Maizy was loved up by her Great Aunt Claudia while we danced, and cuddled right into her arms. We've definately discovered that Maizy is a party girl-she couldn't miss what was going on, from the bouquet toss, to the electric slide, to her favorite-the rotating disco ball. That's the secret to keeping her behaved-put a disco ball in her room and she's totally hypnotized by it!! The same thing happened when Maizy, my mom and i went to the my little ponies tea party downtown on friday-she was in a trance watching everything. I was a little nervous at first about taking her, since the show was starting at her bedtime. But, little miss can't miss anything loved the show! She was clapping, and dancing and waving at the ponies when she was in a trance watching the ponies! And then she discovered the disco ball!! It was a blast reliving my childhood too!!



Getting too big!!

It never ceases to slow down here! Matt's dad had a heart attack last week, and we drove down to be with his family. Everything's fine-he was released two days later, with 5 stints in an artery to help. He'll go back for 2 more surgeries to put up to 10 more stints in to alleviate blockages. We praise God for his miraculous healing hand in this process-you'd never know his dad had a heart attack when you see him! Maizy's great grama Judy had her knee replaced Wednesday and was released yesterday, and again, we praise our Healer for she was already walking on her new bad boy the next day! Thursday we woke up to find Maizy covered in puke. Joy. But, much to my surprise, i'm rather impressed with our daughters projectile capabilities-like the kid in the exorist! We did take a step back in her eating due to the bug she had-super finicky about eating period, so we just are keeping our eye on that. Matt had to go out of town for a football convention, and then all day track meet on saturday, so luckily i only caught a bit of Maizy's bug. So now, after our whirl wind week of travel and sickness, i'm really hoping that we'll be able to just take a breather!!
With so much going on, i forget that Maizy is doing so much each day. She dances and flails her arms when her little monkey music machine gets a beat going-shaking what her momma gave her!! I love it! Last night she started to give kisses back to Matt, but they were a little too open mouth for us to handle after a while! It's so fun to walk in a room and have her call out "momma"-melts my heart! Or our little shadow just following us around.
Hoping this finds you well. Enjoy the pix of our own "curious george". if it's laying in plain view-it's up for grabs! Blessings!