
Back to Work

So i must have jinxed us because she didn't sleep through the night since i wrote you last. But, we're getting close. She's going down about 10:30 and gets up about 4am for midnight snack. But now i've started back to work and this week has been crazy! My days FLY by! Thankfully things at work are busy so my mind is preoccupied, but as soon as 1 hits, my mind goes to Maizy. It's neat when i get home and hold her, she sits and smiles at me and then i totally melt. In the afternoon we get to take a nap together and i get my snuggle fix then. This week has been pretty hectic though. I'm gone until 130, and then matt hands her off to me and is off to football until 830, he gives her a bath, i feed her and we put her down between 930 and 1030, and then matt and i have just enough time together to give a kiss goodnight and fall asleep. In the mean time, when matt's gone in the afternoon and evening, Maizy and i go out and play too. She's had quality time with her uncle Luke, as seen from the pic above, and hanging with our friend Erin, doing laundry with dad, and just being cute.
Erin and Maizy and I went to the farmer's market in Brookfield on saturday and bought tons of fresh veggies and flowers, and we spent the day making Maizy baby food-yes, baby food. Me, who cannot cook a meal made my child food! It's so rewarding though. I made beans and froze those, and then used zucchini from our organic garden that we planted when i was pregnant with maizy. I feel a huge sense of pride being able to grow and cultivate and make her food. So i'm off to the market again this weekend with her grama and grampa good who are visiting us.
Now that life is turning back to "normal" for us- me working and matt coaching, it's crazy to have another person thrown in the mix of what our lifestyle was like. Hard to imagine that we could do all the things we used to so easily, and now we have the car seat, the diaper bag, the stroller and the little sweetheart to bring around to our "normal" activities we've returned to. Wouldn't trade it for the world!!
Oh, if anyone is as crazy as me for making my own baby food and has any good recipes/ideas-pass it on my way!


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