
Sitting Pretty

So back to work has made me miss Maizy. It's hard to not pick up the phone and check in on her every hour! Just to hear that little voice gets me by another few moments. How weird-i used to not be able to wait to hear a favorite song on the radio at work to make my shift go quicker-now it's just a little coo that does it for me!

Maizy's getting so strong. This week we sat her in her "bumbo" chair-it's a foam, form fitted seat for her once she can hold her own. We plopped her in it just to see, and she totally fits in it and loves it. So we took some fun pix around the house of her in it. When we hold her, she gets stiff-legged and just stands. So trying to burp her is a fight of the stronger will-and this pushover tends to lose!

This friday is a big night for Maizy-her first football game to watch daddy coach. So of course, we had to buy some cute flair jeans for her to wear to it! And this past saturday, she went to her first goose calling championship-she didn't flinch the whole time, unlike me (those things are loud!). Our little sweetie all dressed in pink amidst camouflage and testosterone. Pretty soon dad will have in in camo though!!

Blessings to you all!!!

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