
Maizy's portraits

Are these too cute or what?!

Last Saturday Matt and i tried to have her pictures taken, but she was not having it. So this friday, on my day off, as soon as she woke up and ate, we headed out the door and had them taken. It was a ball! The little diva loves her pictures being taken, and knows totally when a camera is on her. We were there for two hours just shooting pics! Not a single fuss or tear. The hardest part was selecting which ones (and of course, i'm a sucker for them all, no self control!).

It has been a crazy, crazy week for us. Matt and i both started back full time, and Maizy started daycare. We're very fortuante that she is spending her days with a very loving, christian woman's in-home daycare. It's been great for Maizy so far. Apparently, she a little socialite and loves the other kids there. She will only take a 45 minute nap in the morning and in the afternoon because she's afraid she'll miss something (i wonder where she gets it from?!). But, it has helped us because she's been sleeping through the night this week for us. In fact, when i had off on friday (i'm working monday through thursdays), she was so tuckered out from her week that she slept 12.5 hours, and didn't get up until 930, fell asleep about noon until 3, fed, and then went back to sleep for another hour and proceeded to have another night of not waking up!! We should've done daycare long ago if it entailed undisturbed sleep!!

It is very difficult for me to be away from her for such a long period of time during the day. I do good until about 2, and then i get bummed. please pray for me and my bosses this week. i'm working up the courage to ask them if i can shorten my work day, and have it end at 3, versus 430. it's just so exhausting-it takes 40 minutes for me to get her due to rush hour, and we don't get home until almost 530-so she's at daycare from 730ish to 515-a super long day for her, and i'm not a fan of that at all. by the time dinner is made and matt gets home, its 7, and then we try to straighten up the house a bit, and spend as much time playing with Maizy as possible until she crashes at about 9. I kind of feel like we are going through the motions right now, and that there is no emotion to it all, rather robotic. i just don't know how full-time careers and full-time parents coexist in perfect harmony. but then again, if it does, let me know!! At any rate, i'm nervous about approaching my bosses this week-i don't want to push it with them, but i don't want to keep this up either. Please pray for encouragement/confidence for me and the right words to use, but mostly that they are receptive and totally willing to work with my request.

as for matt, his team is 3-0, with a 38-0 win on friday! another conference championship season is brewing! he's got a crazy schedule too, just go go go during his day with minimal down time. already on his first day of class he had a puker-welcome to a new school year! Right now i hear him sweetly talking to maizy, getting her bath ready for her (so i can be done during halftime of the iowa game-she's not aloud to miss one).

Let us know if you want any of her pix-i can email you the high resolution file. Blessings on you all!!

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