

Autumn is here! We decided to hit up a pumpkin farm on Saturday, a rare warm day for this time of year, and we thought we'd take advantage of that. We bought a little Maizy pumpkin to display on hay bales with Indian corn and gords. I can't believe a new season is already among us that Maizy is apart of! She's become pretty vocal lately-no clue where she gets it from! Here's a pic of Matt and Maizy talking back and forth with each other. She gets a stitch out of us repeating what she says, and you can see the anticipation in her eyes for us to talk back to her when she talks. Her new thing is humming-she purses her lips tights, but just makes tons of sounds. If she had her mouth open, i swear it would be a scream, thank goodness it isn't! We're still working on the rolling over thing though-Maizy really wants to go from her back to her belly, and just grunts when she gets stuck on her arm. She hasn't figured out how to maneuver around it. Soon enough. Maizy has also become quite fond of herself. When we are in front of the mirror, she just giggles at herself!!
Maizy did great at Matt's huge victory football game on Friday. They beat their arch nemesis, Pewaukee, with an on-side kick and a 2 point conversion in the last 2 minutes of the game and it was exhilarating to watch and experience. This was the team that hosed them out of state playoffs for the past two years, so victory was very sweet! This week is homecoming, and we're excited for another win under the Brown Deer belt.
Blessings to you all! We'll let you know how her 4 month check up goes on Friday.

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