
Fashionably Victorious

Melt my heart! Great Grama and Grampa are helping Maizy strike it rich with her new little piggy bank. But it's not your average piggy bank-it's a designer-esque purse with a handle and gems! Starting to save up for her purse collection now!How cute is that?!

Speaking of cute, we have our very own princess and the pea. She sleeps great in her crib at night, but the minute we put her in the crib for her daytime naps, she wakes up. She just does not like it during the day. So i layed her in our guest room bed and propped pillows around her to mimic our body being next to her (the only way she naps during the day, by the way, of course). She is swallowed alive by the double bed! What a little princess-her crib is not good enough, but the egyptian cotton sheets are what's acceptable to her.

Our friday night football game was rained out and postponed to saturday, and it was worth it. Gorgeous weather, and a huge victory. Matt was the offensive line coach for the game, and they whooped it up with a 40-7 victory!! We were so excited. Every time there was a touchdown (tons of them too), i'd jump up and cheer with her in her little papoose, and she slept through it all during the first half! I don't get it-step on a floor board wrong in the house and she wakes up, put her in a cheering crowd and she sleeps! Two other coaches had babies during the off season, so we all had our first football games together and had our pictures taken to commemorate the babies big day. Maizy was a hit with the player's parents, that's for sure! The 40-7 victory was an awesome start to Matt's football season, and Maizy can't wait to cheer her daddy on some more!



Sitting Pretty

So back to work has made me miss Maizy. It's hard to not pick up the phone and check in on her every hour! Just to hear that little voice gets me by another few moments. How weird-i used to not be able to wait to hear a favorite song on the radio at work to make my shift go quicker-now it's just a little coo that does it for me!

Maizy's getting so strong. This week we sat her in her "bumbo" chair-it's a foam, form fitted seat for her once she can hold her own. We plopped her in it just to see, and she totally fits in it and loves it. So we took some fun pix around the house of her in it. When we hold her, she gets stiff-legged and just stands. So trying to burp her is a fight of the stronger will-and this pushover tends to lose!

This friday is a big night for Maizy-her first football game to watch daddy coach. So of course, we had to buy some cute flair jeans for her to wear to it! And this past saturday, she went to her first goose calling championship-she didn't flinch the whole time, unlike me (those things are loud!). Our little sweetie all dressed in pink amidst camouflage and testosterone. Pretty soon dad will have in in camo though!!

Blessings to you all!!!


a "Good" weekend

This past weekend grama ginny and grampa ron good came and visited from iowa. Grama and grampa came up on thursday afternoon and played through the weekend. ron and ginny spent thursday evening with Maizy, then hit the state fair up for the day and spent late afternoon and evening playing too. Saturday grama ginny and maizy and i spent some time at the farmer's market getting more green bean's for maizy's baby food bonanza. We then shopped for a while and had a nice home made dinner from ginny. sunday we went to church together and out for a great brunch at the cheesecake factory (go if you get a chance-it's fantastic). A little while later uncle luke, grama kim, grampa ralph, great nana and great grampa came over for a BBQ to relax, catch up and enjoy little maizy.

Maizy's "good" weekend really entailed smiles and coo's towards grama and grampa good-she's taken up the gift of gab from her grampa ron and her sweet heart from her grama ginny.


Back to Work

So i must have jinxed us because she didn't sleep through the night since i wrote you last. But, we're getting close. She's going down about 10:30 and gets up about 4am for midnight snack. But now i've started back to work and this week has been crazy! My days FLY by! Thankfully things at work are busy so my mind is preoccupied, but as soon as 1 hits, my mind goes to Maizy. It's neat when i get home and hold her, she sits and smiles at me and then i totally melt. In the afternoon we get to take a nap together and i get my snuggle fix then. This week has been pretty hectic though. I'm gone until 130, and then matt hands her off to me and is off to football until 830, he gives her a bath, i feed her and we put her down between 930 and 1030, and then matt and i have just enough time together to give a kiss goodnight and fall asleep. In the mean time, when matt's gone in the afternoon and evening, Maizy and i go out and play too. She's had quality time with her uncle Luke, as seen from the pic above, and hanging with our friend Erin, doing laundry with dad, and just being cute.
Erin and Maizy and I went to the farmer's market in Brookfield on saturday and bought tons of fresh veggies and flowers, and we spent the day making Maizy baby food-yes, baby food. Me, who cannot cook a meal made my child food! It's so rewarding though. I made beans and froze those, and then used zucchini from our organic garden that we planted when i was pregnant with maizy. I feel a huge sense of pride being able to grow and cultivate and make her food. So i'm off to the market again this weekend with her grama and grampa good who are visiting us.
Now that life is turning back to "normal" for us- me working and matt coaching, it's crazy to have another person thrown in the mix of what our lifestyle was like. Hard to imagine that we could do all the things we used to so easily, and now we have the car seat, the diaper bag, the stroller and the little sweetheart to bring around to our "normal" activities we've returned to. Wouldn't trade it for the world!!
Oh, if anyone is as crazy as me for making my own baby food and has any good recipes/ideas-pass it on my way!



The Best Night Ever!

I'm growing fond of the phrase "you know your life has changed when...". Today's latest was "you know your life has changed when you used to refer to your blender as the margarita machine, but now are converting the maragarita machine into the baby food machine". My favorite "you know your life has changed when..." happened exactly on Maizy's 2 month birthday on tuesday. You know your life has changed when the best night ever used to be considered hanging out like rockstars with friends, dressing up, wearing heels, trying out new piano bars or martini lounges and staying out forever. Now, the best night ever was realizing that we just slept 7 hours straight without Maizy waking up once!!! This is huge in the Good house!! So, we're going for a hat trick tonight and hoping this will be the third night in a row!!!

SO tuesday was her big 2 month check up, and she weighed in at 10 lbs, 9 oz, and is 22 inches long. The shots were hard for me. I've never heard Maizy scream so loud in her life! At least the good news is we've never done anything wrong enough in her life for her to scream that hard at us! But, she did pop a blood vessel in her eye. Oy!!

On our way to her doctor's appointment on tuesday, my work called and said my new computer wasn't in yet and wondered if i could take this week off and just start next week instead. After the week i'd been having so far with an emergency root canal started on monday, still worked on today, and Maizy's scary shots, God sure showed me he does has perfect timing and i told work of course i'll take this week off!! Maizy and i have been baking more zucchini bread and are going to start making her organic baby food from our veggies we're harvesting in our garden (we'll freeze it for when she can have solids). We also stopped by our friends, the Fortner's and Barron's, for a playdate today. Compare this picture of the five of them from a few weeks ago-they all are growing tons!! We're so blessed to have such great friends!

As this week has gone by, it's so fun to watch Maizy smile just a ton, suck on her thumb and fist, recognize matt's and my voices, track our voices too, follow and grasp objects, mimic us talking to her with her sweet little voice. 9 weeks only, yet 9 weeks already!
