
Full of Fun!

Well, we officially have a crawler!!! Maizy's been rocking on her hands and knees, and last night i dangled the carrot in front of her and got her going. Crazy what a cell phone will get you to do! She still prefers to roll everywhere, which is totally fine with us. She's getting into enough already (ate a leaf off the hibiscus plant this weekend). So for now, it's fun and cute to see her creep around. During her rolling and creeping, she found matt's goose calls on the floor, picked them up and started blowing like a kazoo into them-monkey see monkey do! Here i though i'd have a little ballerina, now we're apparently going to have a champion goose caller!! She's also doing this new smile where she scrunches up her nose and juts out her bottom jaw and dimples appear on her cheeks. Enjoy these pics and have a blessed week!!

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