
Building an Ark

Hoping this finds you warm and dry. We, on the other hand, are getting there. We had ice damming on our roof which leaked in through our crawl space, down to the family room, down to the new basement on sunday when all of that terrential rain hit. After poking around at the bubbling paint on the family room wall and ceiling, we slit it open and water drained out of it for the day. We are so fortunate though, this could have been totally worse. Had the rain seeped in 12 inches to the right, our storage space would've been soaked, then onto our couch and then down to top of the poker table (yikes!). The damage is fixable, and this just means the priority list of house projects bumped "new roof" to number one now. Oh, the joys of home owning!!

It's very interesting the perception children have of their surroundings when something is going on. Maizy could tell something was "off" with the house (and us for that matter), and kept looking at the hole in the ceiling. Fortunate for us, my dad came and helped Matt, and my mom got Maizy and I out of the house.

Other than that, it's rather obvious that i havent' blogged you lately, and i do apologize. Now that we have a completely mobile child, there is no such thing as turning your back for a minute to type something up quick! No joke! Maizy's really into everything, which is good. She is just a ton of fun and brings so much joy to us. This past week, her top two front teeth came through and she has fun bringing her lower jaw up and out to touch her bottom teeth to her top teeth, making a hysterical face. When she eats, we're giving her more of our food. Not a fan of ground beef (much to her dad's dismay), but loves green beans, carrots, chicken noodle soup (courtesy of great nana!), cookies (courtesy of grama kim!), and whatever else the little vacuum can find laying on the floor-especially non-edible items.

Diaper changing time used to be so quick and easy for us. Now, someone thinks it's fun to sit straight up or roll over the whole time. So what used to take a minute, now is a battle of the wills for about 8 minutes (again, the determination and stubborness of matt and i combined into her is ever so funny of god!). But bath time has become very interesting as well. No longer do we want to sit in the tub, or just lay there. Oh no, Maizy must crawl all over the tub, trying to pull herself up on the side, smiling at her reflection on that metal thing in the tub, pulling at that fun drain knob, etc. Bath time used to be only a few minutes, and last night it was 25 minutes! Someone is definately a water baby.

Many things are striking her curiosity as she explores her newly expanding world. For one thing, she is just baffled by sound when she doesn't see someone speaking, ie, the radio or speaker phone. Then try to explain to her about music and where the sound comes from, or that it's grama on the phone trying to talk to her. Way to complicated!! So instead of trying to say hi to someone on the phone, she just waves instead. Gotta giver her credit though. When she is scooting around exploring, surprisingly she's not getting into our things, like the potted plants or vases. However, when the neighbor boys came over to play, they discovered our shelf on the coffee table and that's when she sparked an interest in the items on there (which are now off of it!). So aside from banning the boys from coming and playing (just kidding!), if we don't make a big deal out of it, she could care less about it.

Much more to come!!! Blessings upon you all!!

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