
Hammy Ham Bone

We have quite the character in our house! It amazes us the discoveries she makes each day as her world continues to expand. I'm looking at a picture of her from around november where she's sitting in her exersaucer playing, happy as a lark. I'm just laughing because when we put her in it now, she looks at us like "what are you doing?! I can't believe you're sticking me in this when i can crawl everywhere and play with the rest of the house!". Yep, that will get packed away soon! The swing just did. Everything is of interest to her, our little sponge. Sometimes i feel so inadequate because this little life has so much to learn, and we're the ones who are responsible for showing her, and it gets a little overwhelming trying to pack all of it in when we're together. Maizy really loves exploring everything for herself though, drawers are opened, the entertainment center now has nothing on it because it's a climbing wall/jungle gym for her. She has become our little shadow too. I'll run into the kitchen for a second and go back to the family room where she was, and the little crawler is already headed into the kitchen. It's kind of funny-walk in a circle, and she'll gladly follow! We're just so blessed with Maizy-she makes us so happy, and lights up our lives. It's just incredible. I feel bad that we haven't updated the blog lately, but she really keeps us on our toes!! Matt realized the other night that we didn't have a picture of her sleeping, so he snuck in and took some of her (i thought you were supposed to leave a sleeping baby alone?!).

This past weekend, Maizy's grama Ginny came to play while I was on a women's retreat. It only took a minute or two for Maizy to pull out her hammy ham bone charm, and once the switch was turned on, it stayed on!! Matt, Maizy and Ginny shopped till they dropped and we are fully ready for the summer weather-now, all we need is the weather to change!! Maizy showed off all of her skills-clapping, so big, crawling, pulling up (and even letting go!), climbing, mimicing, and our favorite-chatting up a storm. We had her 9 month check up (i know, i can't believe she's 9 months already!) and she's a petite one, weighing in at 16 pounds, and 27 inches. Carol, who watches Maizy during the day, has lovingly deemed her "half-pint", and Maizy is beginning to take on a Napolean complex, overcompensating for her size. She has no quams trying to be a big kid already, and will do whatever she can to keep up with the rest of them.

Enjoy the pix!!

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